HTWFAIP: Tips to Become a Friendlier Person
Here‘s how to become a Friendlier Person as per the SECRETS OF SUCCESS - a list of Principles from How to Win Friends and Influence People book by Dale Carnegie. Don’t criticize, condemn or complain. Give honest, sincere appreciation. Arouse in the other person an...
What Most Gooroos Are Teaching It Wrong
Most so-called gooroos out there will tell you that success is quick, and you can achieve success easily. I‘m not here to tell you what you would love to hear. I‘m here to tell you what it actually takes to reach success in whatever aspect you think that you should...
Here’s Another High Performer’s Secret
Usually, we would like to do everything ourselves, because we are so protective of our tasks, we don’t trust anyone with what we need to do. This can actually push us into feeling overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed will lead you to be unproductive and ineffective. Many of...
Your Weakness Could Help You Achieve Better
Your weaknesses could help you achieve better success if you know how to talk about them. There are two common mistakes people make when asked this question about “What’s your weakness?”. 1. Replacing a weakness with a strength People go outright and highlight a...
The Tremendous Value of Deciding to Commit
Since I made the decision to lose weight and become a better version of myself, I committed to working with Andrei. Andrei taught me a lot about healthy foods, and habits, and even some stuff business. Andrei discovered a systematic way to lose weight and to change...
A Little Hand-Holding to Overcome Obstacles
In my last article in this series, I mentioned how I transformed my body from weighing 126 kilos to 105 kilos effectively. I got help from a coach from Romania named Andrei. Andrei helped me change my behaviour and my eating habits. And the good thing is that I didn’t...
Have You Read The Book, The Dip by Seth Godin?
Key takeaways: The GAP between the #1 and the rest of the spots is Super big. Be #1 or don't be in business. Don't be mediocre. Be great! #1 spot is not something that everyone can achieve. The one who reaches #1 will go through the Dip. “In a free market, we reward...
For Existing Business Owners – Wanna Make Some Extra Bucks Without Doing Lots Of Work?
The customers you have now are giving money to someone else for something else. There is something your customers aren't buying from you. What they buy would make sense for them to have because it makes the experience of what you sold to them even better. Even if you...
How Coca Cola Is Introducing The Habit Of Drinking Coke In My office’s New Food Court
Warning: Unethical marketing ahead They introduced free flow drinks for $2 They have introduced combo meals on all the outlets. Now the outlets are offering $2 discount the next time they buy a meal if they bought the drink. Essentially the coke is free! Now, this is...
10 Steps to Personal Effectiveness
Have more Self Awareness - Learn what you do the best. Stay within your strengths and genius zone, find someone to do the stuff which is off your strengths zone. Outsource/Delegate those tasks that aren't within your strengths zone. What's your genius zone? Take the...
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