BLOG Checkout Subscription Strategy

I was buying something on and noticed the tricky discount choice down there. People most probably would click on “I need 20% discount” and save money this time and ………. End up paying 88$ every 3 months without even noticing the above explanation. What do...

Inspiration – Persistence Pays Off!

Came across a fantastic inspiration today. Read below: He got rejections after rejections but did not give up. In fact, he got over 1000 rejections. He got 1009 NOs before he got his first YES to open his franchise. With that one success, Colonel Hartland Sanders...

Software Project Estimation

Estimation of an IT project is not a pleasant exercise. However, it is part of project management. Usually, the pain points are Depending upon the role, we come up with own version of numbers. Project Bidder, Project Governance intend to move the numbers down; Black...

Joel Test

The Joel Test is a twelve-question measure of the quality of a software team. Do you use source control? Can you make a build in one step? Do you make daily builds? Do you have a bug database? Do you fix bugs before writing new code? Do you have an up-to-date...

Intalio Log4J Config Hack

It’s difficult to set multiple log categories to DEBUG or anything with the Intalio’s log4j configurator that comes with bpms-console. I had to set like 10 different logs repeatedly. Every time it sucks to actually find the log category, choose DEBUG and then click...

Facebook Graph Search Review

Here’s how Facebook Graph Search is… It let me find many friends who are there in FB but not in my List… FB once again did it in connecting people (was it someone else’s tagline?) It let me do this: (Siri show me) “Friends of friends who are in Singapore and not in my...

Make Intalio 6.5 IE8 Compatible

Intalio doesn’t officially support IE8. Some simple fixes allowed ui-fw to work fine with IE8. 1. /webapps/ui-fw/script/jquery-timer.js Add ‘var’ at col 1 line 18 2. /webapps/ui-fw/script/grids.jsp Remove , (comma) from col 28 line 1212 That solved the issue! Comment...

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