These time management strategies help you live a more fulfilled life because, in actuality, they’re much more than techniques for managing time — they’re also tools for transforming the way you think.

Maximizing your resources in life starts with the right mindset, and these time management techniques help you teach yourself to focus on what matters to you in order to live a more joyous, productive life.

Tip #1: Use the Rapid Planning Method [RPM]

Always before doing anything you need to plan your path. Just like how you would launch google maps and ask Google for the shortest route to your destination, you need to plan where you want to go, why you want to go, and how you are going to go in your life.

RPM Stands For:

– Results Oriented: What is the outcome that you’re after? Be specific, define your goal in terms of something concrete that you can measure.

– Purpose-driven: Why do you want to achieve that outcome? Why is achieving the outcome a must for you?

– Massive-action plan: What do you need to do in order to reach your outcome? Brainstorm all the ideas for actions that you could do and choose one to three tasks that you can do every day for the next year to achieve the outcome you want to achieve.

Tip #2 and Tip #3 would be added in the following weeks. Look out for those blogs.