Most so-called gooroos out there will tell you that success is quick, and you can achieve success easily. I‘m not here to tell you what you would love to hear.
I‘m here to tell you what it actually takes to reach success in whatever aspect you think that you should reach success in. And I have to tell you that it‘s not going to be easy.
Success is a product of having GRIT, Obsessiveness, and a High Desire towards your goals…
You need to be Resilient, Persuasive, Iterative, and able to course correct your way towards success.
It‘s never a straight road to success. In fact, there is no road. It‘s like a journey to the other side through a desert land… You need to figure out your way through.
Your Mentors are your GPS who would guide you through the desert. They make your life easier, but you have to take that path.
It‘s like the relationship between Neo and Morpheus in the movie Matrix. Morpheus being the mentor, guides, and coaches Neo to reach the goal.
Of course, Neo had to face the rough path, fight the agents, dodge bullets etc. But he finally reaches success. And it was through constant course correction.
Mentors can show you the door, but you have to walk through.
When I say mentors, it might not be a person. It could be FREE blogs, public domain books, email newsletters etc. that someone puts out.
My successes so far were a result of having great mentors. And me taking action. I walked the rough path. There were a lot of ups and downs. There are ups and downs even now. But it‘s a journey I chose to take.
In the end, everything will be worth it. Like Steve Jobs said,
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking, backward.
So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.”
– Steve Jobs [Stanford commencement speech, June 2005]
In this video, you can see what it took a famed celebrity and Silicon Valley investor Gary Vaynerchuck reach success. It‘s worth your time to watch this. Thank me later…