Warning: Unethical marketing ahead

  1. They introduced free flow drinks for $2
  2. They have introduced combo meals on all the outlets. Now the outlets are offering $2 discount the next time they buy a meal if they bought the drink.

Essentially the coke is free!

Now, this is what a layman notices…

Here’s the marketing mind in it:

  1. Until this goes on, people will buy coke combo for getting the free $2 voucher next time
  2. This can go for more than a month’s time
  3. After a month, the people who were buying coke are going to continue buying coke coz of the sugar and caffeine-induced addiction.
  4. Coke just made more than 500 lifetime customers!

Lesson! Don’t think about instant profits. Think about lifetime customer value. They lost money in the front end. But they made a killing in the backend.

The only thing that makes this case unethical is because it is going to hurt their customer’s health by a ton! Well played Coke!